Wellness Week - 2020
A GRATITUDE GIFT FOR YOU! 7 days of Restoration, Wellness and Care will take place focusing on Gratitude. NAMASTE!
Day 1 - Introduction to Meditation - Yamas & Niyamas
Day 1 - Meditation - Prep & Hints
Day 2 - Introduction to Meditation - Asana
Day 2 - Meditation - Connect with our body
Day 3 - Introduction to Meditation - Pranayama
Day 3 - Meditation - Connect with your breath
Day 4 - Introduction to Meditation - Pranayama
Day 4 - Control your breath
Day 5 - Introduction to Meditation - Dharana
Day 5 - Meditation - Concentrating on your body
Day 6 - Introduction to Meditation - Dhyana
Day 6 - Meditation - Visualization Meditation
Day 7 - Introduction to Meditation - Talking about Samadhi
Day 7 - Meditation - Silence Meditation